Saturday 1 February 2020

2020 weekly - Week 5

26/01/2020, Sunday

The meal plan for the coming week is:

Ravioli with tomato onion butter saue
Cauliflower pea stew with store-bought breaded chicken filets
Sea bass a la Meuniere, crushed potatoes with minted petit pois

I made my first "proper" outdoor walk in a supermarket last Friday. It was just over an hour. Even with one crutch, my right leg felt a bit sore and tired. Looks like the endurance has to improve a lot, although the ability to walk is back. Perhaps it's wise to decline the invitation for a day in London in May. I don't think I am quite ready for it yet.

27/01/2020, Monday

With physiotherapy, patience is the key. Day by day I rarely see the difference, which can be frustrating sometimes. But week by week, yes, I can see improvements, such as certain exercises start to get easier or my balance gets better over some exercises. So if you are in the middle of physiotherapy, just keep at it. You will be rewarded in the end.

Here is what I did today and plan for the remaining week:
1. Sitting down and up from a chair (10 times x 5) x 4 repetitions
2. Standing on toes (two or one leg) combined with toe walk, (1 minute x 5) x 4 repetitions
3. Single leg stance, (1 minute x 5) x 4 repetitions
4. Standing on the edge of stairs, heels down (20 sec x 3 with one leg, 40 sec x 3 with two legs) x 4 repetitions
4b. Standing on the edge of stairs, heels down and up (1 minute x 3) x 4 repetitions
5. Dorsiflexion stretch on a step (1 minute x 2) x 4 repetitions
6. Walking without crutches with music (10 minutes) x 4 repetitions
7. Calf stretch against the wall (1 minute x 2) x 4 repetitions
8. Seated toe or heel raise and isometric inversion/eversion with resistance, throughout the day

28/01/2020, Tuesday

Routine today:
1. Sitting down and up from a chair (10 times x 5) x 4 repetitions
2. Standing on toes (two or one leg) combined with toe walk, (1 minute x 5) x 4 repetitions
2b. Heel walk (1 minute x 2) x 4 repetitions
3. Single leg stance, (1 minute x 5) x 4 repetitions
4. Standing on the edge of stairs, heels down (20 sec x 3 with one leg, 40 sec x 3 with two legs) x 4 repetitions
4b. Standing on the edge of stairs, heels down and up (1 minute x 3) x 4 repetitions or
4c. Alfredson Protocol
5. Dorsiflexion stretch on a step (1 minute x 2) x 4 repetitions
6. Walking without crutches with music (10 minutes) x 4 repetitions
7. Calf stretch against the wall (1 minute x 2) x 4 repetitions
8. Ankle four ways with resistance band

30/01/2020, Thursday

Today is a good day for the exercises because I did all four rounds before dinner! I like days like this, very motivating.

31/01/2020, Friday

Sad day today as UK is leaving the EU.

Sometimes things have to go bad before turning good again. That's what Mr Obama said once. And it can't be more true for the event like this today.

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