Saturday 15 February 2020

2020 weekly - week 7

09/02/2020, Sunday

Grilled miso salmon
Pork tonkatsu (ready-made) with grilled apple slices
Breaded chicken fillets (ready-made) with mushroom sauce

I always seem to have a breakthrough in exercises on Sunday. Even though Sunday is my "rest" day, I still do exercises but just half of a normal day.

Today I can finally do the proper standing on the stair raising my leg up and down! This is something I couldn't do two weeks ago. I had to break up the whole move into two and did them separately instead. Today feels like another step forward.

Thank you, Body.

10/02/2020, Monday

Routine today:
1. Sitting down and up from a chair (10 times x 5) x 4 repetitions
2. Standing on toes (one leg) combined with toe walk, (1 minute x 5) x 4 repetitions
2b. Heel walk (1 minute x 2) x 4 repetitions
3. Single leg stance, (1 minute x 5) x 4 repetitions
4. Alfredson Protocol (15 reps x 3) x 4 repetitions
4b. Standing on the edge of stairs standing on right leg, heel down and up (40 sec x3 + 20sec rest x3) x 4 repetitions
5. Dorsiflexion stretch on a step (1 minute x 2) x 4 repetitions
6. Walking without crutches with music (5 minutes) x 4 repetitions
7. Calf stretch against the wall (1 minute x 2) x 4 repetitions
8. Ankle four ways with resistance band

12/02/2020, Wednesday

Hooked to The Split. The script is well written and describes intricacies of life a middle-aged career woman experiences. It taps deeply into my heart, and echos.

13/02/2020, Thursday

11 weeks (and 2 days) after the surgery, my right ankle is still visibly bigger than the left (uninjured). I was told that the right will look bigger for up to a year. I measured the circumference out of curiosity. The right is 2-cm bigger than the left, while the calf is pretty even between the two. I hope my right calf muscles are coming back.

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