Sunday 31 December 2017

2017 reflection

What an eventful year it has been, not just what's been happening across the globe but around me.

A year of loss

We lost our beloved M-T this year. It was sudden, quick and shock for everyone. M-T had been in decline. We all could see how time can do cruel things to human physical shells, but not to the minds. We still talk about M-T as she's still around. Now she lives in a separate corner of my heart. Never forgotten, always there.

A number of friends whom we came to know quite well this year also left to find a greener pasture somewhere else. It's unavoidable. Forward and upward, that's what people do. All the best wishes for I&A, D, Y and S.

A year of self-challenges

I decided to start a weekly diary (weekary?) on the outset of 2017 to commemorate my re-found friends dated decades(!) ago. I was truly moved by the number of people who came to meet me. What did I do to deserve all their kindness? That's how I decided to start my 2017 weekly to help me remember how my life goes a little bit better than before. 

And you know what? Not only did I finish the series, but also I will start my 2018 weekly! I got so much out of writing my weekary that I want to continue. For me, the effect is most therapeutic and it gives me a purpose and reason to write. It also makes me examine myself more honestly and deeply. It doesn't matter whether every entry is a well thought through philosophical piece. Sometimes just one liner is enough to capture the moment.

The two other challenges are fitness related. One is to complete 5000 meters under 41 minutes. Ticked. I did it twice during the last two trips to the gym. And the other is to continue lunch time classes as long as I could. Ticked. I love my Zumba and HIIT classes. My instructors are both doing wonder to me. Thank you, D and S.

The last one is to restart learning French. I had reached a pretty decent level perhaps 10 years ago with my French but then I stopped. And my French has predictably become very not usable again. Autumn 2017, I enrolled into a class with an aim to be certified in the future. I've been enjoying the learning and the language. I hope to keep the same energy for the 2018.

Another year working in Suburbicon

I hate to devote any more of my time and space to Suburbicon but keeping a weekary has helped me on this regard to see what's good in my life. And there are a lot to celebrate. Grateful.

A year of friendship

2017 is a special year to remember because we reconnected with many long lost friends. They are not really lost but just haven't seen each other since, say, the day we got married? M&T came to our wedding 14 years ago and we haven't seen each other since! But you know you are truly good friends with each other is the minute you see each other it's as if all the missing years has been compressed into 1 second. Because we are able to pick up where we left as if no time has lapsed. Sometimes life does not count in minutes.

Well, those were highlights of my 2017. I hope you at least enjoyed part of yours? If not, hey, 2018 is just a few hours away. Let's make it a memorable one, shall we?

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