Saturday 7 January 2017

Happy 2017

New year, new start and new opportunities.

I hope all of you had a good rest at the end of 2016. We certainly did, with a healthy dose of sun, warmth, love and laughter. I cannot ask for a better end-of-year holiday this year, surrounded by so many people who I love and love me and doing everything I love with you. So many who had played a big part in my life, gone quiet when we went on our separate ways as life unfolded but now all of you have come back to my life, our lives. I feel immeasurably blessed and humble to know that I can still call you my friend and you respond accordingly after so many years. This feeling of love and reassurance recharges me and I feel ready to take on what come may.

To remind myself how lucky I have been to have you, I want to challenge myself to document my life in 2017 with a weekly post here. Most of you won't see it because this blog has not been broadcasted but I hope if you find this place one day, you will know I still have a special spot for you, wherever I am.

Here is to you, my friends, a happy, healthy and contented 2017.

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