Saturday 7 January 2017

2017 Weekly - Week 1

I started my new year with a cold, enough to confine me to bed for two days, yes, the first two days of 2017. Alas, perhaps there is a drawback after two weeks cloud high with many good things. A price worth paying, though, if I were to do it again.

This week started gently with the first day back to work on the 3rd. With computers (yes, plural for me) turned on, first is to make sure I reply and action all essential emails. Then work starts with checking jobs running over the holiday period all finished gracefully and starting data analysis. This carried on for the whole day interspersed with many happy new year greetings.

Half way through this week, it suddenly dawned on me that I have to do two rounds of presentations less in two weeks and none of the presentation has started (gasp!). Panic in all capitals! I can do it as I keep telling myself, even if it means working in the evenings. Not a problem with a subject I love, here I come PowerPoint.

My working week finished on another high with a nice (and long) scientific discussion. It reminds me why I got into what I do in the first place. When discussing with likely minded people, this is just pure heaven. I shall remember this feeling when daily grind strikes.

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