Saturday 28 January 2017

2017 Weekly - Week 4

January is really not ideal to visit Budapest but I've had my one of my best visits there last week. Presentations went exceedingly well, questions and discussions free flowing, what can be more satisfying to talk and explaining about what you love? Thank you, Budapest.

But the mercury did drop to minus 10 to 12 degrees several nights in a row. Holy guacamole, it's probably the lowest temperature I've ever experienced. I went prepared with gloves, a woolly hat, alpaca scarf and a down coat. We don't stay outdoor more than 30 minutes in a stretch at this temperature, just enough to get to the restaurant and walk back. I have to tell you that I thoroughly enjoy the underfloor heating in the hotel bathroom.

While complaining for years about finding no decent food in Budapest, I had two of my best meals in Budapest this time. Best in Budapest and probably some of the best ever. If you happen to be in Budapest, check Bock bisztro and Ket Szerecsen out. Our personal favorite is Ket Szercsen. From starter to dessert, there is no dish which we didn't start with wow after first bites.  It's that good and it's rare to have such consistency all the way through. Top quality ingredients (Mangalitsa pork and ox cheek), superb but uncomplicated cooking and great service and atmosphere. I can't wait to go back there.

And I can't believe January is coming to its end. After deeply burying myself in slide preparation for a week and ryanairing four times in another week, my tightly strung nerve wants to relax. Chinese new year is coming this Saturday. I haven't done proper cooking since 2017 started. I feel chicken tagine is beckoning to me.

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