Saturday 14 January 2017

2017 Weekly - Week 2

The January countryside always makes me feel sobering and hopeful. Although it is the time when nature is stripped to the bare minimum, you know underneath the quiet blanket of brown fields lies seeds waiting to come out, skeletons of tree branches hanging patiently, no hurry, as mother nature knows the best, the time for each plant to get ready to emerge.

Workwise it's been nonstop. What was I thinking to agree to give two presentations in a week in a city with sub-zero temperature in January? But, I've enjoyed the preparation part, so much that it's taking more time than necessary. Better speed up!

Roast lamb, I've been thinking about it, since I made the possibly the easiest (and very delicious) roast dinner back in November. Just stick it in the oven and disappear for 3-4 hours. You will find a great dinner awaits after you are back. That's our Saturday plan.

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