Saturday 22 January 2011

Those two little words

To tell you a secret, last year was one of the hardest for me professionally. Being assigned to one of the most difficult projects and working in an environment where taking credits of others and exploiting colleagues seen as necessary to climb the career ladder are not great to anyone's morale. Two people from the same project team have quit the company since it started. That tells you how tough and demoralizing this job can be. Naturally, my motivation to work to my fullest potential was barely there most of the time last year.

Even so, I did not give up. I kept telling myself that life could be worse. "Do you know how many people are out of jobs right now?" "Do you see those people who cannot live with their spouses because s/he has to take a job afar?" Everyday I reminded myself of that. Knowing that economically we are going through one of the roughest patches. I persevered.

And life always surprises people in the least expected moments. Just like that, my project made a mini  breakthrough yesterday. It was due to the work I did and someone from the project team (living in another country) emailed me (and cc to my supervisors) to thank me profusely for my contribution. My heart was full by reading his email. So were my eyes welled up with happy tears. Someone appreciated my work. What I do does make a difference.

I know moments like this are rare. Kind gestures from colleagues and giving credits to where they are due are not often seen in my industry. That makes this all more special to me. I know the feeling of elation will go away like firework in the night sky. Tomorrow is another day. When next week comes, no one will remember much. However, I want to make a note of this, here and in my heart. Someone made an effort to say "Thank you" to me, in a way that means a world to me.

Thank you, Z. It is also my pleasure to work with you.

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