Sunday 9 January 2011

Back to work, back to gym

I had never been the sporty type. In fact, I used to avoid exercises at all costs. In 2009, realizing that I needed regular exercise to stay in shape and also to encourage hubby to lose weight, shortly after hubby's birthday we both signed up to a local gym, five minutes on foot from the company. In the beginning, that was hard. Not just the physical suffering but also the psychological resistance. After a few months, I have to admit I actually like the euphoric feeling after exercise. What they said is true, that exercising releases endorphin which makes us feel good. I also like the fact that I do get to enjoy my good appetite much better with exercises. We have been going to the gym roughly twice a week since. This is such a remarkable thing for me who used to dodge exercises.

Today I went back to the gym the first time after the new year, since the "gym holiday" in the whole December. I did almost 80% of my usual routine. It's better than I thought. It's as if our muscles have some kind of memory. Well done all my muscles. A round of applause for you.

After today's gym session, that completes my daily routine, work, personal research and gym. A new year has started and I am looking forward to it.

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