Sunday 2 January 2011

2010 Memorable Moments

In no particular order,

- Visit to Belvedere Palace in Vienna to see Klimt. Unforgettable.
- Visit to Tate Modern in London to see Gauguin exhibit. This is the Gauguin I didn't know and I love it.
- Interview with Company N. Perspective changing. Eye opening.
- Scientific race with Group S, publication of our finding followed. Who said science is boring?
- Passing of my dear grandpa. You and grandma are always in my heart.
- Seeing Bosch in Prado Museum in Madrid. Garden of Earthly delight.
- Cooking and eating green beans with caramelized shallots seasoned in soy sauce and vinegar. Heaven.
- Made my first ever roast beef. Yum! Pork and chicken, step aside.
- Tasting Shanghai Blues for the first time. Will definitely going back.
- Combined trip to Boston. Land of history and plenty.
- Starting a blog. Who would have thought?

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