Sunday 19 December 2010

I cook - laid-back fish pie

Traditional fish pie has mashed potato topping the creamy seafood mixture. When I am pressed by time or lack of energy, slightly crushed potato chunks work equally well. Dill is not a traditional ingredient in fish pie but we like the green and the refreshing note it brings to this creamy dish from the ocean. Besides, it makes the whole dish look very pretty, like the tinsel on a Christmas tree.

My laid-back fish pie

250 g smoked white fish (can be substituted with fresh white fish)
2 bay leaves
1 cup of milk
250 g shrimp
3-4 potatoes, peeled and quartered
2 boiled eggs
2 tbsps of butter
1 onion, skinned and diced
1 leek, thinly sliced
3 tbsps of flour
1/2 cup of cream
1 tbsp of dill
1/2 cup grated cheese

Heat the milk with the bay leaves on the stove. When small bubbles start to rise from the side of the pan, put the smoked fish in. Turn off the heat. Let the smoked fish poach until the flesh is heated through. After 30 minutes of so, lift the fish out of milk. Remove the flesh from the skin and separate them into medium chunks. Strain the milk and reserve the liquid to make the white sauce.

In another pot, boil the potatoes in slightly salted water for 20 minutes. Potatoes are ready when a knife can easily go through. Remove the potato chunks and put them on a 20x20cm square glass pan. Flatten them a bit with a fork. Nestle the boiled eggs in between the potatoes.

Now it's time to make the white sauce. In a pot, melt the butter and fry the onion and leek gently. Once the vegetables are softened, sprinkle the flour in. Mix the flour with the softened vegetables thoroughly and cook for a minute. Lower the heat to the minimum (or just turn off the heat). Pour in the reserved poaching liquid, in two batches, mixing well before adding more milk. I found that a wooden ladle spoon works much better than a stick spoon when making the white sauce in pot. Turn the heat back to medium. Stir regularly as the white sauce cooks and thickens. When the white sauce is fully thickened and bubbles occasionally, add in cream and grated cheese. Mix in dill. Stir to combine all ingredients. Taste before you season with salt and pepper.

In a pan of boiled potatoes, scatter the raw shrimps on top. Pour some white sauce to cover the top of the shrimp. Layer the poached fish chunks in and top it with the remaining white sauce. Bake it in an oven at 200 C degrees for 40 minutes or until it is heated through.

Serve with lemon wedges and steamed green beans on the side.

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