Thursday 25 November 2021

2021 weekly - week 12

21/03/2021, Sunday

This week's menu
Roast Pork shoulder and puy lentils
Grilled Lamb Steak with Potato Leek Gratin
Smoked Salmon
Green Beans and Tomatoes
Broccoli Soup

Wow, my roast pork is best ever tonight. No kidding. My first time trying the brining method and it worked out so well. The roasted piece came out with nice cracking and so juicy meat. I prepared half of the brine from Tom Kerridge and marinated my pork shoulder for 24 hours. I then roasted the meat at 180C for 2.5 hours on top of onions and garlic with a cup of sherry/water in a roasting tin. Everything was beautiful, meat tender, flavorful and moist, the cracking is crispy. So much easier than my old method where I had to air dry the skin and fry after roasting. This method is so much easier and will be my main method of roasting from now on!

22/03/2021, Monday

Today's exercise:
AM: FB Total Body 40 min

23/03/2021, Tuesday

Today's exercise:
AM: FB Lunges + Pilates 30 min

I accepted the offer. It didn't take long to decide but I spent the whole day thinking the transition. I thought I could leave without being sentimental but I actually find it hard preparing for my exit. My projects are moving into an exciting phase. I feel so sad that I cannot be with them anymore, the people I enjoy working with the most. I have to put up a straight face accepting new meetings while with millions of things going through my head. That's what 20 years do to you.

24/03/2021, Wednesday

Today's exercise:
AM: FB Lower Body 40 min 

The stars have been aligned for me lately. Thank you (who ever is up there)!
People I don't know or have not got in touch for a long time have offered their help to me instantly. I feel so lucky and grateful.

25/03/2021, Thursday

Today's exercise:
AM: FB Lower Body HIIT 45 min 

I spoke to my line manager about my decision to leave. I wasn't really dreading but I did wonder how it would go. It turned out it went pretty smoothly and quickly.

LM's first reaction: where are you heading?
EM' first answer: a lady never tells

LM's second question: Who are going to take over your work?
EM's second answer: I'm sure you will find somebody

LM's third comment: Thank you for all your good work. I wish you good luck.
EM's third reply: Thank you for the support and the opportunities.

For an EM whose CV is peppered with patents and papers, that's all LM could say. Well, LM could be in shock, whereas EM has been prepared for a week. Of course, it could also be that the manager simply didn't give a damn. Well, his loss. So, voila, the dice has been officially cast. I am a step closer to my dream.

26/03/2021, Friday

Today's exercise:
AM: FB Cardio + Upper body 45 min

Good to be back on FB routine. I feel good!

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