Monday 30 August 2021

2021 weekly - week 34

22/08/2021, Sunday

Last week of summer. 

This week's menu

Chicken Paella Rice
Sausages and Lentils
Grilled Salmon and Coleslaw
Celery and Stilton Soup

23/08/2021, Monday

Today's exercise:
AM: FB HIIT + Strength + Lower Body 65 min

24/08/2021, Tuesday

Today's exercise:
AM: FB Strength + Upper Body 50 min

04/08/2021, Wednesday

Today's exercise:
AM: FB Cardio Recovery 35 min 

25/08/2021, Thursday

Today's exercise:
AM: FB HIIT + Abs 40 min 

26/08/2021, Friday

Today's exercise:
AM: FB HITT + Abs 60 min

Took my first day off to enjoy some quiet time. This series of 2021 weekly is going to pause for a while. I hope to resume writing towards the end. All is well, just busy. 

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