Wednesday 1 January 2020

My NWB diary - 15-31/12/2019

17/12/2019 Tuesday

My sleeping is still a bit hit and miss, but overall better than the worst nights I've had (i.e. waking up four times in a night). I just need to accept that tinkering my right leg has become my nightly ritual.

And I can't wait to see my right leg again this Friday.

18/12/2019 Wednesday

My French class has broken up for the holidays. I start to feel that I am being left behind while my classmates are edging ahead.

It's frustrating but I know it's not about who getting there first. I may have to start the whole B1 from the beginning. That's ok. I will still progress.

19/12/2019 Thursday

Something mundane but more joyful given my circumstance is that we now have tasted panettones from three major supermarkets this December. We prefer the classic version so that's what we got from Asda, Sainsbury's and Tesco. One key difference among all three is the content of the butter, which somehow is reflected on the price. My personal favorite is from Sainsbury's, nice flavor all around, sufficient richness from the highest butter content from all three supermarkets, tender and moist crumb, gentle citrusy flavor without heavy handed with the spices. Tesco is our second favorite, not as buttery as Sainsbury's but overall good. Il Vecchio from Asda is quite heavy with vanilla and cloves to my taste, and uses no butter. Although it's moist, it has no the expected richness from a christmas treat. Although it's the cheapest among all three, I don't think I would go for that in the future.

Well done, Sainsbury's.

20/12/2019 Friday

First appointment with the hospital since the surgery. I had been anxious to see my right leg again, after imaging all the terrible things which could have happened. Well, when the back slab was cut open, nothing dramatic came out. The skin is in pretty good condition, the foot remains a bit swollen (and is likely to be for the next few months), and the wounds are healing properly (great!). As for the scars, they are very visible and I have no problem of showing them.

The Xray show that the alignment remains excellent, although one can't tell the bone growth/healing. We just have to assume that a healthy fit individual like myself will follow the text book trajectory of recovery. 2-3 months, for the bone to regrow, I was told.

Strangely, I feel much at ease now, after seeing all that. I need to be on NWB for another two weeks and start using my right leg little by little afterwards. Better start looking into physio side of thing from my private health insurance.

A relief.


Following doctor's order, I've started simple ankle exercises to get the range of movement (ROM) back. It's been two days since I did the exercise and my ankle is still quite stiff. Moving the foot forward and backward is a lot easier than turning sideways or making circle. At the moment, the latter two exercises are simply not possible. Looking at my X-rays again I start to understand why. The metal insertions are close to the ankle joint, on the left and right side of my ankle. I am now a bit anxious about to walk in two weeks time. What have I done to myself?!

No time to despair. I know. I just have to keep at it until I get my ROM back to normal(ish). Reading through the ankle fracture blogs, "back to normal" may be a fantasy but I will do as much as I can to be independent.


Now I try to do ankle exercises 5 times a day. That forces me to fragment up my routine in finer pieces. Not convenient but it's good for the recovery. I know my goal is to get back on my both feet asap (literally and metaphorically).

24/12/2019 Tuesday, Christmas Eve

This is probably the simplest CE dinner we've had. With store bought items and the duck basically taking care of itself, it's relaxing and still festive.

Pate and pickles

Chinese 5-spice roast duck
Thin flour pancakes/small tortilla wraps
cucumber sticks
green onion slice
Hoisin sauce

Blueberry cheesecake with cranberry topping

We got the cheesecake from Sainsbury's. Wow, it tastes just great, the right balance of richness and freshness. The blueberries bring a very nice twist to the cake. Despite the negative comments on the web, this is possibly one of the best desserts from Sainsbury's. Will come back for more!

25/12/2019, Wednesday, Christmas day

Smoked salmon with cream cheese

Roast beef sirloin
Brussels sprouts in soy and balsamic vinegar
Horseradish cream sauce
Roasted chestnuts and sweet potatoes

Cheese platter (Morbier, Tomme de Savoie and Fourme d'Ambert)

We ordered the beef from Marks and Spencer. Wow, such a nice piece of meat. We cooked it following the instruction and it came out juicy, tender and flavorful. The cheese platter was assembled with a selection from Cambridge Cheese Company. We did not disappoint. The quality is just excellent.

26/12/2019, Thursday, Boxing Day

No shopping for me, not even an online one.

Last night I discovered a nice trick to improve the efficiency of the ankle exercise. So far, I've been doing the exercises by willing the ankle to move on its own. It works ok for moving forward and backward but I feel my ankle hardly moves sideway or draws a circle. I decided to use my hand to guide the ankle to "remember" how it should move. I first get a feel how my hand should guide the ankle by simulating on the normal one. After that, I put my left hand under the right foot, at the heel, gently moving the injured ankle. Instead of willing the injured ankle to work, I make sure my ankle is doing the expected movement by assisting with a hand, in a very gentle way of course.  I think it's working, certainly better than just willing it.

Recovery is certainly a long process but by the end of the first week I start to see the difference in ROM. I wish I had realized the "assisted" exercise earlier but it's still early days. I have another week to go before trying walking. Let's hope my injured ankle will be awakened quickly!

27/12/2019 Friday

Second week on since the post-surgery visit and more than four weeks on since the surgery.

Today I received my first physio appointment lettre!! My very efficient NHS, thank you! I'd mentally prepared for a long wait but hey, Addenbrooke's did not disappoint me.

Now, I have to speed up my ROM exercises!!

31/12/2019 Tuesday, New Year's Eve

Seafood paella

Cheese platter (Gorgonzola, Taleggio and Cornish cheddar)

Vanilla cheesecake


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