Saturday 11 January 2020

2020 weekly - Week 2

05/01/2020, Sunday

Hubby insisted that I made one of the practice walks outside so we did. We walked around the housing court. One and half round is about 10 minutes. Mostly flat surface and a few very gentle slopes. It's good to breath the fresh air while walking.

During my last round of practice, I tried a few steps with just one crutch. I can actually do it without feeling much more pain or discomfort. Perhaps it's a lot about confidence as well. In a few days, I will try to walk with one crutch more.

Total walking time: 60 minutes including one round outdoor

06/01/2020, Monday

Skin seemed to play up a bit again last night. I did exceed 60 minutes a bit. So today I will try to keep it under 60 minutes.

Also, my foot looked visibly more swollen last night, possibly being down on the floor too long. This morning it does look "normal" again. Note to self: raise the leg whenever possible.

Two more weeks before I go see my Physiotherapist. I hope to keep at it and hopefully he'll see the difference! Please Skin, stay calm for me.

Total walking time: 60 minutes including one round outdoor

07/01/2020, Tuesday

Six weeks after surgery.

Today marks the official end of non-weight bearing period post operation. Amazing to think that I've started walking without too much pain or discomfort.

Time flies quickly indeed. It helped to have the christmas and new year holidays in between. I also took my first bath a couple of days ago. As much as I have been helped by baby wipes, it's not a long term solution (certainly not environmentally friendly). I hope to get familiar with the bath routine. Need to be super careful.

I am also splitting the practice walk into two crutches and one, hoping to shifting more weight gradually to the injured leg.

Total walking time: 60 minutes including one round outdoor

08/01/2020, Wednesday

Yesterday's experiment by splitting walking 50-50 with one crutch or two showed that I may not be ready for this ratio. During the last two rounds of walking, I started to feel pain. Not huge, but enough for me to switch back to two crutches. So today I will keep my morning sessions with two crutches and do some single crutch walk in the afternoon.

Total walking time: 60 minutes including one round outdoor

09/01/2020, Thursday

I am a lucky girl. My folks came to nurse me after the accident. I hope they are pleased to see the steady progress I'm making. They just left for the airport now. Enormous gratitude.

The house is so quiet now....a bit sad.

Total walking time: 50 minutes including one round outdoor

10/01/2020, Friday

Total walking time: 60 minutes

11/01/2020, Saturday

I am enormously proud of Formosa, my island. Thank you for showing what truly matters for our future.  Hugely grateful and immensely proud of what you demonstrated tonight.

Thank you.

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