Saturday 4 January 2020

2020 weekly - Week 1

01/01/2020, Wednesday, New Year's Day

Happy New Year!

I have a lot to look forward to this year, haven't I? The most important is the rehabilitation of my right ankle. Yesterday, I attended my first physio session. Although I can see how weak my ankle still is, there is a sense of optimism by attending. Because this marks the first day of recovery, so much to be grateful and celebrate. And in a couple of days, I will be moving onto partially weight bearing. Apprehensive but excited.

Small steps make a leap into a journey. This is something I've always believed and lived by. Queen's 2019 Christmas speech also reflected on that. So true, whether it's man landing on the moon, running a marathon, or just be able to walk again, don't ever underestimate the accumulative effect of small efforts and all the preparatory work we have to make in order to achieve something bigger.

02/01/2020, Thursday

Started my heat treatment today. Ideally I would use a reusable heat pad but that means I have to get down and up stairs everytime I need to have a treatment. Right now , I use disposable ones before I have enough strength to climb the stairs.

03/01/2020, Friday

Taking the first step today, hooray! The first few steps were a bit timid, probably because I had to get over the mental block of weakness and pain. But very soon, it's a joy to be able to walk again. Such a liberating feeling. 10 minutes every hour, that's my plan.

My right leg seems to be sensitive to heat (or long exposure of?). Already having some heat rash, after yesterday's heat pad, it has generated more. Skin problems annoy me a great deal. May have to stay of heat pads for a while.

Total walking time: 70 minutes

04/01/2020, Saturday

After yesterday's first go, I've become more confident that I can walk. I feel slight strain/pain at the ankle so I took a paracetamol to make walking more comfortable.

Total walking time: 60 minutes

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