Saturday 27 January 2018

2018 weekly - Week 4


Tried a new restaurant tonight, Trinity. It's a restaurant whose menu is heavy on seafood and boy did they do it well! I had octopus as a starter and lemon sole for the main. Both were cooked to perfection. My octopus is tender, perfectly grilled, crisp on the outside and juicy on the inside. Just when I thought that may my dish of the night, my lemon sole surprised me. It's pan fried crisp with lots of flavor from the fish itself and also from the clams. The fish is meaty and firm. One of the nicest fish dishes I've tasted.

Two restaurants in two weeks (thanks for company's business dinner budget). Trinity definitely won in this case.


It looks like my favorite fitness instructor is not continuing with the new gym. For whatever reason, S and her routines managed to keep me motivated and her routines actually have a positive impact on me. I am so sad not being able to see her again. But life goes on, doesn't it? I take part of S's training with me and move along to my next stage of exercise. I look forward to the new gym with new instructors and new routines.

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