Saturday 13 January 2018

2018 weekly - Week 2

Before I know it, the first half of 2018 will just vanish.

This week, I've been so busy with:

1) preparing for meetingS in a week

2) fulfilling my duty for the peer-review journals (I can't believe the quality of submissions these days. Any ill-conceived experiment (failed or not) seems to be an idea for submission? Not to mention the bad writing and me spending my evenings reading and responding)

3) restarting my French class (we had a good laugh revising l'alphabet francais)

4) up at 5am for a 7am meeting (my body really prefers vampires' hours)

5) sorting out my (small) savings. It's demoralizing to see my saving being bleeding away by inflation. Everyone who knows a little bit about investing says funds and stock market are the way. But I still feel uncomfortable putting much of my saving there. I hate dealing with money!!

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