Saturday 18 February 2017

2017 Weekly - Week 7


I often think Van Gogh must be one of the most hopelessly romantic souls in the world. This is what he wrote to his brother Theo in 1877:

"Thanks for your letter, which made me so happy. When next we meet we’ll look each other straight in the eye. I sometimes think how wonderful it is that we have the same ground beneath our feet and that we speak the same language."

Only people who lead a solitary life would understand the beauty and romance to be able to open your eyes in the morning, breath in your first crisp air in Autumn and feel the mud under feet in a rainy day. Just a feeling to be alive is to be treasured, shared and celebrated. Things taken for granted by many of us are no ordinary for people who observe and feel with SETI-like ultra sensitivity.

Everyday can be wonderful, if you want to.


Happy Valentine's. If you have someone in your life, cherish him/her. If you are still unattached, cherish yourself. Every day is a special day, because it lets us start fresh and also allows us to build on. Which other living being in this world understands that? You do, I am sure, and that makes you special.


I did four gym sessions this week. A record! I quite enjoy the classes offered by the new fitness instructor. Her classes are HIIT based or energetic aerobics. Whatever the name, it gets my heart pumping and sweat dripping (sorry). I am too lenient on myself when it comes to exercise. I know it. So I decided to be pushed by a professional. Still some muscle pain, yes, but feeling very contented to try something new and to set myself a goal.

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