Saturday 11 February 2017

2017 Weekly - Week 6


I re-watched The Cider House Rules last weekend. The first time I watched it must be when it first came out in 1999. I watched the second time this year, 18 years later. Many things have happened in my life and in this world. The movie still touches me at many levels, deeper now in my heart. I also felt that I understood better what the author (John Irving) wanted to say which I possibly comprehend 50% of it first time around.

Do we all have to go away in order to appreciate what love is? Yes, definitely. Even though in the end you decide to come back, the journey is worth every minute, every drop of tear and every sound of laughter.

I also understood this time that the "rule" of Cider House Rules is to make your own rule. Don't always feel you have to be constrained with what's around. Be true to yourself, even though it may mean you make mistakes and get hurt. How many "rules" around us are made by people who don't live the same life as us. Until you can in other's shoes, don't jump into conclusion so quickly because things are usually not as they seem. And always have empathy for others because life is beyond-your- imagination-ally intricate. This jumps out to be the central thread linking all characters together.

In the end, the main character goes back to where he left initially, because that's where he's needed. It got me thinking again whether it's better to love or to be loved. I still believe it's better to love because you know your love will be appreciated and well received.

Finally, Michael Caine is one of the best the world has got.


Maybe I am not dated after all. I've been delving into a new technique starting in February and it's working pretty well at the moment. This led to a nice presentation today. I think everyone understood what I was trying to say. One or two look particularly excited about the new technique. Well, not a bad start work-wise this 2017.

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