Saturday 4 February 2017

2017 Weekly - Week 5

I must be the only person in the world who sucks at brownie making. It's either too dry or under baked. Whether it's using cocoa powder only, chocolate chunks only or a mixture, they all seem to flop in my hands (well, only 20% ok rate). I really have no idea why chocolate brownies are so hard to crack?! We/I have eaten so much failed products that I want to scream (I am sure hubby feels the same but too polite to do so)!

This is it, the last hope for this country to avert the course of the inevitable is quashed by our dearly beloved MPs today on the 1st of February, 2017. The so-called opposition didn't even put up a flight. I am more serious than ever about moving to Scotland!

It is purely a coincidence that I happened to renew my passport (or allegiance to the Queen?) today on the 1st of Feb, only to discover one of the dreadful news.

Speaking of dreadful, I hate reading news now ever since the new US president moved into the office. This is the very first time I can say without any regret that I am outta there. Sometimes to move forward, we have to go back a few steps, many wise men and women before me have said that. Yes, that's very true, same for many things in life. I can only console myself with that and believe that tomorrow will be better.

“Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.” ~Albert Einstein

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