Thursday 12 December 2013

Cookies and Peace

Can I tell you a secret? My annual holidays start today! Three weeks of precious time just for myself and everything I love. Hooray!

In fact, I've gotten into the holiday spirit right from the beginning of December. I made cookies! I am not a cookie person. In my entire baking life, I can just count with one hand the number of times I made cookies. Since this December, I've baked cookies almost twice a week (hey, I only do small batches)! It all started from here. I have not sampled enough cookies to call this the best but that's what hubby calls it too. It's indeed pretty good, hard to stop, in fact. I've tried a few variations on my own but I must concede to the fact that the plain, uncomplicated and original remains the best.

And speaking of cookies, doesn't this brief moment about World Peace Cookies warm your heart? This is by no means diminishing true hardship some of you are going through right now. "What does she know?" I can hear some of you thinking. Indeed, it takes more than just good will (and cookies) to solve many problems in life. But sometimes it is also good to remember not to lose sight of the forest among all the turmoil. Taking a break with a nice piece of cookie works for me. Perhaps try it sometimes?

Make peace with others, if you could, whichever way you choose. Or even better, make peace with yourself. Stop beating yourself around. Work with what you've got or born with. It's not just for appearance but for inside too.

More festivity, less fighting. I wish you a warm and peaceful December.

Now excuse me for I need to whip up a batch of World Peace Cookies.

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