Monday 23 December 2013

Are you ready?

The big day is less than 24 hours. Are you ready?

Things are much simpler for a household of two, even though surprises still manage to find us. I've planned to have venison for Christmas eve dinner but it was ran out more than a week ago on the day we went. Didn't realize that venison is still so popular in this country. We got a nice piece of beef instead. You can't go wrong with a proper roast beef.

As for my holiday chemistry, well, I made my first ever batch of mince pies this year. Even though they all came out in a variety of shapes (my ever so infamous lacking of dexterity!), they are so far the most delicious mince pies I've ever tasted in this country. Let me tell you how this kitchen experiment went.

First, I made my own mincemeat following Nigella's recipe. Very easy, very tasty, yielding just the right amount for a small household. Also, no animal fat was used. Not that I am against, it's just I already got enough from the pie crust. Speaking of pie crust, I used my mom's homemade puff pastry. Yes, mince pies in puff pastry. You should try it. It lightens the texture (sadly not calories, but who's counting/thinking that in December?) and is a nice change from the usual shortcrust pastry (pate brisee). As a last minute whim, I decided to add some frangipane in my mince pies (1 egg + 45 g each of ground almond, butter, and sugar). Oh boy oh boy, do I need to tell you how wonderful it tasted? Citrus laced and brandy doused dried fruit surrounded by almond cream on top of flaky pastry. Very Christmassy and very very good. I will have to work on my shaping next year. Yes, there will be a return of homemade mince pies in 2014. Just you watch.

With 2013 coming to an end, I want to thank you for stopping by here this year and I wish you all a happy Christmas/holiday and a prosperous 2014 to come.

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