Wednesday 1 June 2011

End of 2011 First Half, Almost

Can you imagine that? Five months have gone, puff, in a smoke.

What have I achieved in the first half? Not much really. I have felt that my 2011 has been aimless so far. I don't like the feeling of hanging around without any real purpose but I did it anyway as if it was my silent protest. Protest to what, you may ask. I am not sure. Protest against office politics, against my inability or perhaps unwillingness to change myself. Of course, I realize that this kind of "silent" protest is useless and meaningless because I am the only one who really suffer and situations are not really improving.

Well, well, well. Let's look at the bright side, shall we?

Workwise, I still enjoy doing science. Working with the new collaboration partner is fun. We are still at the honeymoon period where there is a lot of enthusiasm and energy. So that's good.

Also, I am still working on my pet project. Still highly motivated, even after 3 years. This line of research has generated several good publications and presentations. I am happy.

Homewise, I have spent more time (and ££) this year in the little garden of mine. I cannot tell you how gratifying it is to see a plant growing from the tiny seeds you sow not knowing whether it will come out or not to the point when it stands tall greeting the sun every morning and you can touch every leaf and stalk it has.


I also find it fascinating reading the book by Harold McGee. It's a big book but it's just wonderful. Finding out why we do (or do not) certain things in the kitchen is just so awesome. The first chapter on Dairy Products took me roughly a month to go through. Every time I have to stop, I can't wait to pick it up again next time. Brill.

The short but marvellous British summer is just around the corner. The temperature reached 20C today, gentle sunlight slowly and quietly splashing down from clear sky all day long. And the streets smelled of BBQ wherever I went. That put a smile on my face.

Andrea Bocelli - A Volte Il Cuore (Sometimes the heart)

And my darling is coming back this Friday.

What a lovely way to end a week and to start the second half of the year.

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