Sunday 18 December 2022

My reflections on 2022

It's been a long while since I wrote. I hope all of you are warm and well, ready for the end of the year holidays.

Just a week before we officially celebrate the birth of Jesus, Constitution day in Taiwan, or my niece's birthday, 2022 has gone in a flash. So many things have happened. Mostly satisfactory and for sure I am grateful for everything.  

Let me start with the only thing which bothered me. My boss put forward a promotion plan back in November for me as well as my colleague for the same title. Spoiler first, we both got the promotion. Knowing how much effort and time I've put in and in the end we both promoted to the same position leaves a unpleasant taste in my mouth. Why working extra time at nights and during weekends if in the end it seems making no difference? The hurtful point is that I actually delivered on the tasks I'm given (more than one person can reasonably handle, may I add) whereas the other colleague for sure has not produced as much and shown much leadership. So perhaps my boss weighted group harmony more than individual achievement? I can't blame him on that but this action has curtailed my motivation to work extra time. I even thought about contacting head hunters. That's how much hurt I've felt.

Ironically, a few weeks later (after being told about the promotion result) my boss told me that I've selected to be in a project management role, not by him but by others in charge. A step up on the ladder, yes, a huge boost in my moral and confidence, absolutely! I feel my hard work and my ability to deliver have finally being seen and recognized. So I now very much look forward to 2023, with new challenges and new projects on the horizon. We leave a trail where we go. It's true.

Next year my mini group will grow from 2 to 4! Being a group leader is certainly an interesting and humble experience for me. Knowing that I may be part of someone's professional experience is quite scary and refreshing. It makes me want to be a better scientist. Both of my group members are hard working, smart and with lots of self drives. I am very lucky to have them.

I visited home in November first time in 3 years. It's incredible to see how a tiny little virus stops the world from running its usual. Everyone is well but my parents are undoubtedly aging. I have to say that the thought of moving back has surfaced more than usual these days.

The funny thing is that my 9-yr old niece wants to talk to me weekly. I don't how long it would last. I am flattered that she wants to talk to a last-century person. Ha!

So that's my 2022. I talked mostly about work as this is something important for me. I am still surrounded by people I care. Lucky to be so lucky.

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