Tuesday 31 May 2022

Lost, but found!

I recently got my step counter. Yes I know it's so last decade but I am really into it. Two weeks on I lost it!! On the morning I was due to meet my friend, I clipped it onto my belt loop thinking that I was going to clock in thousands of steps today. Of course the day went by fast as usual. By the time I remembered to check my step count. It's GONE! Gone! How can I lose it only after two week?! I was gutted. Really annoyed by myself. I knew it's prone to be dislodged but usually I caught it by the sound. But not this time.

Next day getting driven to work, what's this thing at the back of my seat? It's my step counter!! My Step Counter is back!! Super happy knowing that I didn't lose it after all. Well, I did lose it as soon as I got out of the car yesterday. No matter. I am soooo pleased that it's now back with me.


Happy Jubilee!

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