Sunday 8 May 2022

08 May 2022

It must be true: the more miserable I am, the more prolific this blog is. There are longer and longer pauses here. Not that I don't have anything to write. Quite the contrary. It's really the time I need to write which is lacking. If you happen to stumble over here, no news is good news. Really.

What's been happening in my life? Well, did I tell you that I flunk my endoscopy exam? Flunking is really what I feel because I've tried so hard to be meticulously gluten free. I even made myself believe that I was fully healed. But no, according to the results, damages are still there. After reviewing my cupboard again and compare the symptoms pop up with food eaten at the time, I hate to admit that it may be oats. OATS! One of my favorite foods and an ingredient which makes gluten free baking more tolerable. I really start to think that it's God's intention to punish my gluttony. What more do I have to let go? Knock on wood, my eczema has stayed put since I stayed away from oats. I won't find out until my next endoscopy whether oats is the reason. Please let oats be the reason, as painful as it may be. I don't want to waste more NHS resources and I want to free my mind of food damaging my health. 

I bought some flower bulbs from a sale at Homebase yesterday. Today, I planted begonia, anemones and dahlia in as many pots as I can find. Summer awaits.

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