Tuesday 31 May 2022

Lost, but found!

I recently got my step counter. Yes I know it's so last decade but I am really into it. Two weeks on I lost it!! On the morning I was due to meet my friend, I clipped it onto my belt loop thinking that I was going to clock in thousands of steps today. Of course the day went by fast as usual. By the time I remembered to check my step count. It's GONE! Gone! How can I lose it only after two week?! I was gutted. Really annoyed by myself. I knew it's prone to be dislodged but usually I caught it by the sound. But not this time.

Next day getting driven to work, what's this thing at the back of my seat? It's my step counter!! My Step Counter is back!! Super happy knowing that I didn't lose it after all. Well, I did lose it as soon as I got out of the car yesterday. No matter. I am soooo pleased that it's now back with me.


Happy Jubilee!

Sunday 29 May 2022

I make - Corn Tortilla

First time making corn tortilla for tacos tonight. Worked out marvelously. 

Corn tortilla

1 cup pre-cooked corn meal such as PAN (I used white corn version)
2 tsp ground flaxseeds
1/2 tsp salt
1 ~ 1 1/4 cup water

Mix all dry ingredients in a bowl. Stir in water 1/4 cup at a time to the flour bowl. Knead the dough a few times when most of the water is in. I find a gloved or wet hand helpful. Depending on where you live, you may need more or less of the specified water. Your aim is to obtain one cohesive and nonsticky dough ball. Rest the dough for 30 minutes.

Divide the dough into 6 pieces. Flatten each piece and roll out to a circle of 16-cm. It's easier to do that between two sheets of cling film or baking paper. The dough will be thin. Dry roast each tortilla in a skillet on medium heat until it starts to puff. Remove the tortilla to a plate. Cover with a tea towel when you roast the next. 

Sunday 8 May 2022

08 May 2022

It must be true: the more miserable I am, the more prolific this blog is. There are longer and longer pauses here. Not that I don't have anything to write. Quite the contrary. It's really the time I need to write which is lacking. If you happen to stumble over here, no news is good news. Really.

What's been happening in my life? Well, did I tell you that I flunk my endoscopy exam? Flunking is really what I feel because I've tried so hard to be meticulously gluten free. I even made myself believe that I was fully healed. But no, according to the results, damages are still there. After reviewing my cupboard again and compare the symptoms pop up with food eaten at the time, I hate to admit that it may be oats. OATS! One of my favorite foods and an ingredient which makes gluten free baking more tolerable. I really start to think that it's God's intention to punish my gluttony. What more do I have to let go? Knock on wood, my eczema has stayed put since I stayed away from oats. I won't find out until my next endoscopy whether oats is the reason. Please let oats be the reason, as painful as it may be. I don't want to waste more NHS resources and I want to free my mind of food damaging my health. 

I bought some flower bulbs from a sale at Homebase yesterday. Today, I planted begonia, anemones and dahlia in as many pots as I can find. Summer awaits.