Thursday 23 December 2021

2021 Reflections

"I found my voice." That's one single thought keeping coming up during the last few weeks. Finally I found a place where I can do what I love and speak what I think and I am being listened to, PEOPLE! Just lucky? Perhaps. But I've persevered, not giving up and had faith in what I do. It's not easy, most of time painful when I seem to be the only person believing what I do. It can crush you, the toxic environment. It almost did on me. If I hadn't realized that I am the only one who ultimately decides my future, I don't think you will find much from this blog now.

Here in the new place I am recognized, given responsibilities and sought for collaboration. I feel I've blossomed overnight. I feel upbeat and incredibly grateful starting my next 20 years of professional life. Thank you who has helped me along the way. This year has meant so much to me, as much professionally as personally.

Lastly, I want to share with you words from my most revered Maya Angelou.

"There were times when it was said that I had more determination than talent. This may be said of many. It may also be said that life loves the person who dares to live it."

May you have a happy end of year festivities and peace. 

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