Saturday 3 April 2021

2021 weekly - week 13

28/03/2021, Sunday

This week's menu
Beef stir fry with black bean sauce
Chicken and Haricot Beans Stew
Grilled pork shoulder with 5-spice
Smoked Salmon
Green Beans and Tomatoes
Cauliflower Turmeric Soup

29/03/2021, Monday

Today's exercise:
AM: FB Total Body 40 min

My skin starts to complain again due to stress. It's been a week. I just need time to let it calm itself.

A really lovely day today, sunny, warm and breezy. People walking leisurely on the street, maybe life is turning a corner for real.

30/03/2021, Tuesday

Today's exercise:
AM: FB HIIT Cardio + Abs 40 min

31/03/2021, Wednesday

Today's exercise:
AM: FB Cardio + Upper Body 40 min 

01/04/2021, Thursday

Today's exercise:
AM: FB HIIT + Lower Body 45 min 

02/04/2021, Good Friday

Today's exercise:
AM: FB Cardio + Upper body 45 min

Went to clear up my desk at work when everyone is at home. It's only half finished but next time it'll be as if I was never there!


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