Saturday 24 April 2021

I make - Anzac Biscuits

Another brilliant recipe from Coeliac.UK. The more I use their recipes, the more convinced I am about the overall quality. The original recipe was given in weight measures but cup-based system works well here. It also makes substitution easier. This Anzac biscuits have a texture which reminds me of French macaron. Surprisingly light and very moreish. Next time I will roll it even thinner but still a good one nonetheless.

2021 weekly - week 16

18/04/2021, Sunday

This week's menu
Pan fried turkey breast with Lemon Butter Pasta
Roast cod with chorizo cream sauce
Tomates Farcies
Green Beans and Tomatoes
Celery and Stilton Soup

Saturday 17 April 2021

2021 weekly - week 15

11/04/2021, Sunday

This week's menu
Slow Roast Brined Pork Shoulder
Baked Cod with Pesto Crust
Green Beans and Tomatoes
Cauliflower Turmeric Soup

Friday 16 April 2021

I make - Chocolate Peanut Butter Loaf

This is a fabulous loaf. The texture is light, soft and keeps remarkably well (unusual for a gluten free cake). There is no flour in this loaf, except in the form of cocoa powder. It's a bit similar to Nigella's Cocoa Tahini Loaf but I prefer this (finally no bananas) for its taste and simpler list of ingredients. And the taste is not dominated by peanuts, contrary to my initial worry. This will be on the routine list!


Saturday 10 April 2021

2021 weekly - week 14

04/04/2021, Easter Sunday

This week's menu
Slow Roast Leg of Lamb with Potato Mash
Slow Roast Brined Pork Shoulder
Baked Cod with Pesto Crust
Green Beans and Tomatoes
Cauliflower Turmeric Soup

Tuesday 6 April 2021

I make - Roast Brined Pork Shoulder

It's an Easter Weekend of Roast. My second time doing the brined roast pork. I am pleased with the Brine this time. Will use this ratio as the template for the future. 

Saturday 3 April 2021

2021 weekly - week 13

28/03/2021, Sunday

This week's menu
Beef stir fry with black bean sauce
Chicken and Haricot Beans Stew
Grilled pork shoulder with 5-spice
Smoked Salmon
Green Beans and Tomatoes
Cauliflower Turmeric Soup