Saturday 27 April 2019

2019 weekly - Week 17


Last day of the Easter weekend, as glorious as the previous three days, sunny, breezy, not too hot nor cold, just perfect.

I took a walk along the backs. But it's Christ college which took my surprise initially. It's usually behind the paying gate but today everyone went in no bother. So I quickly followed. Oh, how magnificent are the wisterias! Numerous pretty purple petals, each of them lightly scented, clustered on old gnarl branches, welcome you when you enter the college. If there is flower which reminds me of Cambridge, I will not hesitate to say Wisteria!

This is another area while I went deeper into the college garden. How lucky are these people who get to spend time here.

Then I went to the backs. Spring time has its magic in the air and it's everywhere in the backs. The energy, the optimism, the smile, anything which is ready to spring you over. I know I've said it many times but I still have to pinch myself to realise that I live in such a beautiful place. I am blessed.

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