Saturday 6 April 2019

2019 weekly - Week 14


Met an ex-colleague who left suddenly today. I like this colleague socially. I thought professional this person was well respected as well but I didn't work in the same team. Nevertheless, I decided to keep in touch and have had a few events lined up together.

In fact, removing the layer of work may help better for the friendship. I look forward to the events later this years.


Just made my first babka, an easy version but oh my word, isn't this the easiest yeasted dough I've ever made? And it tastes light, just sweet and satisfying!

I used a recipe from King Arthur Flour. I reduced the amount of yeast to 1 teaspoon and added the zest from 1 orange. I am so thrilled about the taste that I have to post it asap! Next time, I will make a lemon syrup instead. It would further lighten up and provides some contrast as well for the cake.

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