Saturday 26 January 2019

2019 weekly - Week 4

My family is here to spend their first Chinese New Year with me in the UK. Super excited and we're going to have lots of fun!

Saturday 19 January 2019

2019 weekly - Week 3


Another week of full gym routines, happy. I am slowly getting back to where I was last year, almost.

Three weeks into the new year I've lost the holiday kilo. Not bad, said myself.

And my parents are here with me to experience the British winter, lol. And my brother is joining me next week. Hoo hoo!!

Saturday 12 January 2019

2019 weekly - Week 2


Just got off the Skype with M. Still a young funny lady full of independent thoughts and very brave. All the best for you and C.


Couldn't get back to sleep at 4:30am. I blame the jet lag and the age.

Discovered this marvelous series, A History of the World in 100 objects, a collaboration between British Museum and BBC Radio 4, is spine tingling and awe inspiring.

I am particularly fond of prehistoric time. Just thinking that humans 13000 years ago made this Swimming Reindeer is mind boggling and hugely humbling.

Gym: Body Attack (this is going to hurt)


Gym: Legs, Bums and Tums (LBT) + Body Pump

Haven't done LBT for a month, I think. Today I probably achieved 75% of what I used to do last year. Slowly but steadily I will be back!


Gym: Pilates


Gym: LBT + Dance Fit


Gym: Body Pump


Well, I did a whole set of gym routines which I achieved at my peak last year. Right now my range of movements is smaller than last year and the persistence is not as good but I'm not far to return. I look forward to next week come-back training.

ps. My back side really hurts. S would be proud of me.

Saturday 5 January 2019

2019 weekly - Week 1


Happy New Year. May you and we all stay in good health and in sound mind.


First day back to work and back to gym.

I did Pilates at lunch time and Body Pump in the evening. Pilates is a nice way back to the gym after three weeks of absence. Body Pump is another thing. Not only did I have to reduce the weight, but also finishing the routine was hard. Well, my thighs were aching the evening after.

Good to be back.


Gym: Body Combat at lunch time.


Gym: Body Pump

A short working week to ease the shock to the system.

I need some Beef Noodles!


Made the Taiwanese Beef Noodles. I could only get rib joint yesterday which is not ideal. Shank or cheek is so much better. Nevertheless, there is a steaming pot of rich broth waiting for me. Can't complain.

Tuesday 1 January 2019

2018 weekly - Week 52


Well, last week of 2018. This year has been busy and gone reasonably ok. Healthwise, we have been blessed. I managed to keep up with my gym momentum up until December. Not to bad, said myself. Workwise, well, the place is as dreadful as ever but I persevere. Self-learning side, I took my french exam and have continued my class. I hope to go as far as possible.

Nadine and I met again in Cambridge with her lovely daughter. It's so nice to catch up again after a long while. I don't know why modern life makes many of us too busy for others but I will try to do better in the future.

2018 weekly - Week 51


Spent my last two weeks this year in a lovely warm city with lots of good food. Steak, teppanyaki, beer house and roast ducks are just some things I've been treated. Thank you family and friends.