Saturday 5 January 2019

2019 weekly - Week 1


Happy New Year. May you and we all stay in good health and in sound mind.


First day back to work and back to gym.

I did Pilates at lunch time and Body Pump in the evening. Pilates is a nice way back to the gym after three weeks of absence. Body Pump is another thing. Not only did I have to reduce the weight, but also finishing the routine was hard. Well, my thighs were aching the evening after.

Good to be back.


Gym: Body Combat at lunch time.


Gym: Body Pump

A short working week to ease the shock to the system.

I need some Beef Noodles!


Made the Taiwanese Beef Noodles. I could only get rib joint yesterday which is not ideal. Shank or cheek is so much better. Nevertheless, there is a steaming pot of rich broth waiting for me. Can't complain.

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