Saturday 17 November 2018

2018 weekly - Week 46


Armistice day. Hats off to all those who strive to make the world a better place. You are not forgotten.


What a chaotic weekend. Starting with a letter from council via our trouble maker tenants to electric shower wouldn't turn off and finished off with wrong content from a takeaway. No matter. We are tough cookies too and when we work together, we solve problems.


This is going to be a very busy week. I hope to ease back a little after coming back from the work trip this Friday.


Got mild food poisoning during the work trip. It's the second time I got sick because of Thai food. Recovering from home today.


Saw the dentist in the morning and review the procedure. Scary but I have to go ahead.

Went to my DELF prepa class in the afternoon as I am hoping that three prepa classes are enough to pass. The teachers are really good and I have a feeling that I'm going to improve (and certainly hoping to pass) after three weeks.

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