Saturday 6 October 2018

2018 weekly - Week 40


Week 40, really? Already? Where has time gone?

Hubby came back from a conference with an assortment of products representing four corners of United Kingdom. So today we had potato farls (Irish) and Welsh cakes for our Sunday brunch. I had my afternoon tea with some chocolate shortbread (Scottish). Thank you friends, the gift tastes great and the thought makes us feel loved.

A bottle of gin is waiting in our drink cupboard.


The song has to put in the context in the drama series to appreciate but Killing Eve has a great soundtrack overall. Can't stop listening.

Il Voyage is one of the songs appearing when the killer is out and free in an obscure Paris street corner. This song turned out to be an old one, first released by Francoise Hardy in 1969 and re-released in 1989. Which version do you like?


I now dread every time I go to my French class. Now at a level higher, I went from one of the best students to one of the worst. I know it means I have to work, and work harder. That's the whole purpose of studying at a level higher. But oh my world it's not a nice feeling to know you are one of the worst and you know everyone's secret wish is not to work with you during a conversation act?

Now I got it all out. Yes, I know I had it easy for my first year with Beginner's French. And I was very lucky to have a very patient teacher. That really convinces me to go further. I know I could improve more if I just study a little bit harder...

Back to the French.

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