Saturday 3 March 2018

2018 weekly - Week 9


I tried the new gym for the first time, after an almost month long break. It really feels good to be back. Now fitness classes make me feel alive and a sense of purpose, not to mention refreshing my mind and relaxing my brain. I had a new instructor in a new class today. Feeling a bit challenged right now physically but I am sure I will improve in a few months.

On the snow side, it seems that most of UK apart from where I live is covered with snow today. Oh well, it's a blessing as the road traffic doesn't get affected too much here.

Tomorrow we are treated with fish & chips at work.


Well, it turned out that snow decided to visit us today. We probably got at least two inches of snow at home and three inches worth at work. It pretty much snowed through the whole morning and stopped at 1pm. The temperature dropped to -6C when we went home, possibly the coldest temperature since I arrived in this region.

The fish & chips arrived fine though. Quite an experience to have F&C looking out at the snow.


It's a record. We have had snow fall every day this week. Quite something to remember as I don't remember we had such a sustained snow fall before. The main roads are well gritted so commuting is fine. Lucky for us, I know.

I've tried the new gym a number of times this week. I like it very much so far. The new gym has much for space for exercising, classes and changing. So far I am also satisfied with the quality of classes. They are all new to me and I've been enjoying different challenges. Did I tell you that it has underfloor heating in the changing room? Heaven especially on a sub-zero day like this week.

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