Saturday 17 March 2018

2018 weekly - Week 11


Feeling quite exhausted today. It's been unstopping for me, meetings, work, evening classes. So busy that I have to skip my favorite fitness classes. I feel terrible that I can't go to the gym as often as I could. Next week I am out of the country again for a week. No gym but hopefully more fun.

Watch this space.


Got up at 5am this morning for a 7am meeting but caught this news at dawn break. A world-famous local, I may not understand his academic achievements but hugely inspired by his determination and will of steel in life. You almost forgot the tremendous amount of challenges he had to go through every day for most of his life in order to do anything simple, because Hawking made it look so effortlessly. I also forgot how capricious his life must have been, thinking that he would go on just like many of us.

But, it's the intensity, not the length that matters in life. Farewell, my fellow local. Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us.

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