Saturday 16 September 2017

2017 Weekly - Week 37


Colder days and longer nights are upon us. Time for warm oatmeal! The smell of steaming oatmeal always brings me a sense of comfort and simple happiness. It reminds me of my college days when I had to catch early bus to the campus. My parents always got up early for me to prepare hot oatmeal with toasts before I set off. I am really lucky to have parents like them.


I almost bought a book because of the name of the author. I am glad that I resisted. The more I read the excerpt, the more disheartened I am. For an event which was experienced by millions of people for a prolonged period of time, we all have forged our own reality and truth in our heads. There is nothing anyone can do about it. We are human beings with emotions tangled with reasons. I started to wonder the point of so-called memoir which wants to set the facts straight. Facts and truths only mean something to complete rationale beings, such as robots. I wish you find success somewhere else which also means something to you.


My own Gamjatang (Korean potato and pork soup). A bowl of steaming soup may just be my ultimate comfort food. Growing up in a household where every meal finishes with a soup (except for breakfast), I know I miss home when I crave a bowl of warm soup. It doesn't have to be a soup I grew up with, almost any warm Asian soup will do. This is absolutely delicious with chubby medium-grain rice.

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