Saturday 29 July 2017

2017 Weekly - Week 30


Received a parcel today from dear friends in Paris. It contains two gorgeous pieces of table linens and 5 CDs of music selected and compiled for us. We feel very grateful to have these considerate and kind friends who thought about us even when we are apart. Merci, M & F.


I made a jar of shio koji about 9 months ago. It's been sitting in the fridge because I was not sure how to use it. By now I've tried shio koji with a number of dishes. It's no exaggeration when shio koji is described as an all-purpose seasoning. It does seem that magical, adding flavor and depth to almost everything it touches. Great with fish (oily or not) and meat (red or white), simply marinade the protein with shio koji for a few hours or one day and grill/fry the protein. Not only does it impart a unique umami taste, but also it firms up the flesh a bit making it taste more succulent.

In addition, shio koji can also be used simply as salt substitute for any stews or stir-fries. Apparently it's great for lightly pickled vegetables. Some even used it for bread making. How intriguing!


When are you going to stop, bully from the East?

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