Saturday 22 July 2017

2017 Weekly - Week 29


Looks like I have been able to keep my 2017 weekly for 6 months! This is quite something for me to focus on one thing (almost) without a break.

I am also quite proud that I manage to keep going to the two fitness classes this year. This is on top of my regular gym sessions. I enjoy the classes fully, although I suspect that's also why I had the sciatica episode. Well, I just need to be extra careful with how my body reacts.


I've been wondering the point of "like" on Facebook, especially those from the people you know in real life. "Like" without leaving any words means what, like I've read it but I am too busy or not very bothered to say anything? This is not that I share other people's thoughts and words. I share my thoughts, with you. In real life, most people would at least make a sound, no?

I continue to wonder the point of Facebook for private human relationships.


While I was pondering over social media yesterday, Dear Polly has another post which struck a chord with me. Why would I do without Polly!

We “like” things and heart things and type “Hurray!” and “Right on!” and “Rocking it out, babe!” but what we really mean is “Hello, I see this matters to you” and “Hmmm, you have popped into view once again” and “Stubbornly, you continue to exist” and “I acknowledge your existence, albeit with some reservations.”

Make some friends who have some interest in what you study, what you do, and what matters to you.

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