Saturday 4 March 2017

2017 Weekly - Week 9


I am not known for anything physical but I am quite taken by my gym routines these days. Monday Zumba, Tuesday HIIT, Thursday and Sunday self (relaxing) training, I like them all. Having an instructor pushing me does make a difference and that's why I have it two days a week now. However, it's actually rather therapeutic to exercise on my own. I frequently have all kinds of ideas flowing out of my brain while running on a treadmill, doing sit-ups or chest press.

One of my goals is to run 5000 meters under 40 minutes. At the moment, I am 43 minutes. Let's see how long it takes to improve one minute of my record.


People like to gang up, like hyenas, especially at work. If you don't go along, you are outsider. There is no such things as minding your own business. The eco system is such that you are either with me or against me. Sad.


It was a cold and rainy night and the auditorium was full of people listening to a nuclear fusion talk, from young to grey, only in Cambridge! It was a well prepared lecture, pitched at the right level for the general public and well delivered.

One question was about the pessimistic view of nuclear fusion never going to work. "Where is the evidence?", the speaker replied. It is difficult but the field is making steady progress. And just like many things in life, the only way to find out is to try, especially considering the financial requirement is a tenth of many big research organizations' budgets. Bravo. That's why I love science. Let the data talk and just give it a go.

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