Saturday 11 March 2017

2017 Weekly - Week 10


Away three days for a conference. It's always good to hear what other people's experience in doing what I do. Of course, people tend to report the "good" results. That may give the impression that research is straightforward and "easy". Far from that, it's tortuous and sometimes circular. If we scientists can all be 100% honest reporting our experience, that would set the expectation more realistic.


I've decided to keep distance from certain friends for some time. Social network is great in reconnecting people but the information overload side of social network starts to tire me. To be more precise, not the amount of information which fatigues me I must add, but people's immediate responses without reading the whole piece. Reacting to headlines or just titles shows lack of rigor and thinking, perhaps ultimately lacking interest in what I have to share. Whichever the reason, one thing I can do is to stay away from them by keeping my space free.

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