Sunday 18 September 2016

Finally, the muffin dome

For all these years, I've been wanting to create the much desired muffin dome. I think I may have found one or two tricks which may give me this very ticklish-able dome more reliably. One is to bake at higher temperature at the beginning. I found that the dough receives the heat shock much better when baked directly in an oiled/floured muffin tin than a tin lined with paper case. Secondly, the dough needs to have less liquid in proportion (i.e. thicker dough, think spoonable rather than pourable). Therefore, I adapted my trusted muffin recipe to use 1/2 cup of yogurt, instead of 1 cup of milk. By using both tweaks, here is what I got this morning:

I was ecstatic! First proper dome with nice color all around. I will repeat a few times to pose my final recipe in the future.

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