Wednesday 21 September 2016

September 2016

Finally the temperature feels like autumn with crisp nights and cold mornings. The wind, the falling leaves, the sound and the color of nature slowly going into a hiatus, all is familiarly calming. I think I am an autumn person.

This is my first year of growing tomatoes, probably also the last. I did enjoy my experience but growing fruits/veggies does take more effort than growing ornamental flowers. At this moment, I think I will stick with flowers for some time. Here is how my cherry tomatoes looked like in August.

My first harvest of cherry tomatoes. 
I also learned that tomatoes can still ripen/turn red after they are picked. What a revelation! As evidenced from the second picture, the left bunch is ripened after they were picked (or rather rescued after the branch broken off), and the right bunch is vine ripened. I have to confess that the the vine ripened bunch is so much sweeter than the the ones ripened after being picked. Nevertheless, the less sweet ones can go into cooking. Nothing is wasted in this household.

And finally, my orchid. Can you believe that this orchid of mine has been flowering from February till now? Remarkable. I can see that it's going into its last leg of blooming but what a rewarding plant to have in the house.

This is how it looked like back in February.

 This is how it looks like now in mid-September. The color surely has faded and it is ready to rest before the next year bloom. Thank you my orchid for this year pleasure.

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