Monday 24 December 2012

2012 Christmas eve for two

Are you having a busy day ahead like me? We have our biggest meal on the Christmas eve, unlike the Brits on the Christmas day. We've gone back to the turkey this year. We tried turkey once many years ago, first in brine and then roast. I didn't like it at all. Although juicy, I felt that the meat lost its sweetness and original flavor with the brining process. The only taste I had was, well, brine. This year I will try another way to roast turkey, with a buttered muslin.  What? I can hear you scream. Yes, draping my turkey all over with buttered muslin and then roast. I will let you know the outcome later. Promised.

Below is the menu I drafted for a household of two. As Mae West once said, "Too much of a good thing can be wonderful". Who am I to argue?
Have a great holiday, everyone.

Scallops with white wine, butter and shallot reduction sauce (beurre blanc)

Fine green beans with caramelised shallots
Butter braised carrots

Cheese platter:
Saint Agur

Homemade buche de noel with coffee chestnut filling

Updated: I really like the turkey roasted with buttered muslin cloth. The turky turned out to be picture perfect, golden crust with crispy skin. Yes, the meat is not as juicy as the brined turkey but certainly not dry. More importantly, it retains a nicely meaty and sweet flavor of a bird. Besides, with a really nice overall turkey flavor and a bowl of lightly sherried gravy, we were happy to have a big piece of each.

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