Tuesday 9 October 2012

A relief

Over the past few months, I have been living in cancer scare. Yes, that C word.

It was mentioned to me during a routine examination. "This does not look right", she said. "I will put you on an urgent list so that you can be assessed by a specialist asap". Just like that, one day I went to my GP for a regular test and came back with a disturbing news. I went through all the expected emotions and actions, disbelief, blaming myself for so careless with my health (signs were spotted 6 years ago), googling for symptoms, solutions and prognosis (yes I know it's not right but needed to divert my mind somewhere else), trying to make myself think positively (didn't work) and yet with realistic expectations, and waiting anxiously for the appointment with a specialist clinic. I contemplated on possible outcomes, ranging from bad to worse, until the day in specialist clinic with an outpatient surgery. After that, I could only wait patiently, for the biopsy results to come back.

Today, a letter came from the hospital. I am given a clean bill of health. We embraced each other happily and tightly while reading the letter together. After a short moment of silence, we both blurted out: "what a relief".

A relief indeed and I chided myself again for ignoring my body's signals for so long. I want to promise myself to be more diligent with my own health issues. I pride myself to be proactive on several fronts but health so far is not one of them. This is silly. Without a good foundation (i.e. health), all my future prospects are like built on loose sand. If this is not a wake-up call, then I don't want to know a potentially even bigger one.

Yes, my friend, if you read this, heed your body's needs and complaints, no matter how insignificant they may be. Let medical professionals do their jobs properly instead of you doing theirs.

I wish you good health to live a fulfilling life.

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