Sunday 8 January 2012

Bye Bye Petit Donkey

Our car of 15 years will retire in three days. It has given us good 10 years of solid service which we are very grateful.

Yes, we nicknamed our car. It's not the shiniest, fastest or quietest car on the street but Petit Donkey has taken us everywhere we wanted, even all the way up to the Lake District with the exhaust pipe broken off half way at Leeds. Oh, how fondly we will remember this episode (and of course Petit Donkey was nursed back to health afterwards).

Sadly the Vet has delivered to us the bad news after he did the final check-up on Petit Donkey. Petit Donkey is better going to a retirement home, we all thought.

Luckily, we found a Mini Ilama and will bring her home later this week. So long, Petit Donkey. Thank you for all your service. You will be missed.

Welcome to our life, Mini Ilama.

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