Saturday 21 January 2012

Three pretty good things: January 21

After growing almost 20 years older since discovering it for the first time, I will now call this my favorite musical. Yes, Andrew Lloyd Webber's Phantom of the Opera is hard to beat but Schönberg's music with Victor Hugo's story just wins out by a long distance for me. The daily human struggle between right and wrong in a society where it is no longer black and white, this transcends all races, cultures, social classes and time. Although Les Misérables means "The Miserable Ones", the story is not about hardship and injustice, but about hope, not giving up and fighting for what you believe in. I simply find it inspiring.

2. Getting onto the list of a patent inventorship.
After working on this project hard for 6 years, finally. I am glad. Thanks, team.

3. Home, at last.
This gives me millions of smiles, always.

1 comment:

  1. adding one little smile because of this lovely post. happy new year!
